Laser Hair Removal

Laser light technology is now giving us the power to permanently remove the unwanted hair of your body. Human body both male and female posses the unwanted hair which should be removed. In NYC Laser Hair Removal treatment is one of the most popular treatments. The Laser Hair Removal machine has the power to remove the unwanted hair permanently from the body. For the best results in hair removal, try out the Cynosure Laser treatment. Best machine on the market today!

Not sure if Laser Hair Removal is right for you? Just call us at 212-594-9610 to schedule a free consultation!

Important instructions to follow before, after and in-between the sessions

How effective the results of laser hair removal treatment turn out to be, depends on different factors. Those factors also include pre and post-operative care. Given below are certain guidelines, which should be strictly complied with in order to enjoy best possible results. Failing to take care of these guidelines can hamper the results.

After the treatment, strictly avoid all types of heat treatments like steam, hot showers and baths, and sauna for a couple of days. Avoid wearing make-up for the next one day, except mineral makeup. Also, stay away from wearing any type of perfumed products, for the next two days at least.

To sooth the skin, you can apply Aloe Vera after the treatment. SPF 20 is good for skin and is allowed to be applied. Laser hair removal works by treating the roots in the hair follicle. For laser to work best, do not tweeze, pluck or wax any hair on the area to be treated, to preserve the roots.

Laser yields best results if it is performed on pale skin and so avoid tanning before and after the course of treatment, to keep the skin pale.

Although plucking, tweezing and waxing should be refrained from but shaving is fine, since it does not remove the roots of hairs. In fact, clients should arrive for the treatment after shaving the body part or else they will be additionally charged for that.

Unlike body parts that must be shaved before the session, facial areas do not need to be shaved or clipped. This is because facial hairs are easily manageable by the therapist himself. Although it happens very rarely, but in case of a blister or burn, apply a vitamin E capsule to sooth the skin. Bursting the blister can leave a spot on the skin, so do not squeeze the blister. Also refrain from stepping out in the sun, as sunshine increases chances of pigmentation that can make the laser therapy less effective.

In case of any post treatment concern, contact the clinic.

How many sessions are required for removing facial and body hair?

If a customer wants to get rid of hair from body areas, they need to undergo at least six to eight sessions of laser. These sessions can ensure up to 90% permanent reduction in hair growth. On the other hand, customers may have to visit the clinic 10-15 times for each laser session, if they wish to get rid of facial hair. This is because facial hair responds slowly to this therapy. Fine facial hairs are not treatable with laser. Electrolysis works best on such hair.

Laser works best on coarse and dark hair, and is less effective on medium to light brown hair. Although it works for both types, but results are more promising in the former case.